Neueste Einträge (5)
The VEGAN Aendertalker..
compassion lasts only two seconds untill the estimation of perfidious exploit... so how pon farr is as event in "spiralixX speeedQercK ace congret star date and when will I finally be advantaged by that disgusting mentioned exploits against me that are very certainly or only maybe a causal-intuitive semi-objective indication for own like foreign will, updatecompatible to summoning maybe... "Psydo Q'uestIons Proceeding: 👾👿😵 lala...??"
{fELI.x[(2ॐ♥)]©zeck} - ""
still life signs according to intuition and sensors... client seem to have flown from his H.Rem_younger familiy notoriously and foreign made mono-causally complaint structure by choleric impulse driver pings from conspireing gangs and marrige candidate initiates... Sall we call the family for exact revival or an updatereinitialization of such honorfully like furthermore friendily retreating patiarch also pro social-ecotrophologically compassion according to "state of matter"? - A perdonally question mostly towards his wife and daughties... btw. could dicover a bank card from him at ami army / asylm sweep structure... here's proof: available and uploaded at current star date estimatedly latestly 9:30 AM...